20 Red Flag Examples in Social Media Screening


Several months ago, we published a blog post featuring twenty different types of red flag social media behavior. We conduct thousands of social media reports a month, and during the process, we discover a great deal of content that is sexually explicit, violent, illegal, and racist or intolerant. In fact, approximately 10% of our reports come back with flagged behavior.The following content consists of twenty more examples of real content that we have found while completing our reports, often at the stage in the hiring process where a job offer has been contingent on passing a background check. Names and usernames have been redacted to protect the privacy of these individuals.*Warning: The following content is graphic in nature and suitable for mature eyes only*

Red Flag: Potentially Unlawful Activity

"Thanks for the stolen goods."

blog 20 ways unlawful 1

"How unprofessional would it be of me to use my fake id at a happy hour on the company's dollar in front of the VP? Don't care. #corporateswag."

blog 20 ways unlawful 2

"Turns out siphoning gas IS as easy as it looks on TV, I was just doing it wrong."

Red Flag: Potentially Violent Behavior

"Its unbelievable how many people at this school don't watch football #deservetobeshot."

"Violence is not the answer. It is the question. The answer is yes."

blog 20 ways violent 1

"I'm not in the mood today. Screw with me and I will cut you like bad bangs."

blog 20 ways violent 2

Racism or Demonstrations of Intolerance

"Girls are such sluts."

"Arubians just don't understand when to shutup do they?"

blog 20 ways racist 1

"Don't be a p**** that movies not scary #notparalyzed."

blog 20 ways racist 2

Red Flag: Sexually Explicit Material

"Do prostitutes give birthday discounts? Asking for a friend."

blog 20 ways sexual 1

"Even the monkeys have gotten more a** than I have this year."

blog 20 ways sexual 2

"Watching stoolsnaps right now is essentially watching softcore porn, very edgy."

Are you concerned that your employees or candidates might be posting this type of content on their social media accounts and profiles? Reach out to one of our sales reps at 805-472-6365 to learn more about how social media hiring reports can help you make legally compliant hiring decisions. Contributing author: Caitlin Rogers